Invitation for Public Comments
Comment on new and revised Singapore Standards
Standards Catalogue
Purchase Singapore and International Standards
Chemical Standards Committee

Scope of the TC for Bunkering
Review and develop bunkering standards to ensure high quality and accurate quantity of bunker fuels delivered
International bunkering standards engagement:
Leadership role in ISO/TC 28/SC 2/WG 13 Marine bunkeringActive participation in ISO/TC 28/SC 4/WG 6 Classification and specification of marine fuels
Working Groups (WGs) under TC for Bunkering
WG to review SS 600
WG to review SS 524
WG on Bunker delivery from oil terminal using MFM
WG on Meter verification using master MFM
National Mirror Committee of ISO/TC 28/SC 2/WG 13
National Mirror Committee of ISO/TC 28/SC 4/WG 6
List of Key Singapore Standards (SS) under purview of TC for Bunkering
SS 600 Code of practice for bunkering
SS 524 Specification of quality management for bunker supply chain
SS 648 Technical Reference for bunker mass flow metering
TR 80 on Meter verification using master MFM
SS 660 on Bunker cargo delivery from oil terminal to bunker tanker using MFM
List of Key International Standards – participation by TC for Bunkering
ISO 13739 Procedures for transfer of bunkers to vessels
ISO 22192 Bunkering of marine fuel using the Coriolis mass flow meter (MFM) system
ISO 21562 Bunker fuel mass flow meters on receiving vessel -- Requirements ISO 8217 Specifications of marine fuels
ISO PAS 23263 Considerations for fuel suppliers and users regarding marine fuel quality in view of the implementation of maximum 0.50 % S in 2020
OIML R117 Dynamic measuring systems for liquids other than water
Scope of the TC for Chemicals and Processes
Review and develop standards relating to the quality and safety aspects of chemical products, by-products and processes
Monitor the international standards development in ISO/TC 47 Chemistry, ISO/TC 146 Air Quality and ISO/TC 193 Natural Gas
Working Groups (WG) under TC for Chemicals and Processes
WG for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) – Review and develop standard on household related products
WG for SS 586 Hazard communication for hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods
WG on Storage and handling of combustible dust
WG on Oil spill dispersants
WG on Safe handling of thermal foggers during pest management activities
WG for SS 603 Code of practice for hazardous waste management
List of Key Singapore Standards (SS) under purview of TC for Chemicals and Processes
SS 586 Specification for hazard communication for hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods
SS 597 Bulk liquid oxygen storage installations on user premises
SS 152 Specification for identification of contents of industrial gas containers
SS 615 Code of practice for the transportation and storage of pesticides
SS 603 Code of practice for hazardous waste management
SS 667 Code of practice for handling, storage and processing of combustible dust
Scope of the TC for LNG Bunkering
Review and develop LNG bunkering standards related to quality and quantity measurement, safety procedures and competency
International bunkering standards engagement:
Active participation in ISO/TC 8/WG 8 Liquid and gas fueled vessels
Monitor the international standards development in ISO/TC 28/SC 5 Measurement of refrigerated hydrocarbon and non-petroleum based liquefied gaseous fuels and ISO/TC 67/SC 9 Liquefied natural gas installations and equipment
Working Groups (WGs) under TC for LNG Bunkering
WG on LNG bunkering specifications
WG on LNG bunkering procedures and safety distances
WG on LNG bunkering crew training
List of Key Singapore Standards (SS) under purview of TC for LNG Bunkering
TR 56 Part 1 – Technical Reference for LNG bunkering - General Introduction
TR 56 Part 2 – Technical Reference for LNG bunkering - Requirements for custody transfer
TR 56 Part 3 - Technical Reference for LNG bunkering - Procedures and safety distances
TR 56 Part 4 - Technical Reference for LNG bunkering - Competency requirements for personnel
List of Key International Standards – participation by TC for LNG Bunkering
ISO 23306 Specifications of liquefied natural gas as a fuel for marine applications
ISO 21593 Technical requirements for liquefied natural gas bunkering dry-disconnect/connect coupling
ISO 23448 Ships and marine technology -- LNG bunker fuel mass flow meters
Scope of the Chemical Standards Committee
Supports the local chemical cluster and chemical-related supporting industries to enable Singapore to retain its position as a world-class chemical hub
Standards developed by CSC cover test methods, performance assessment techniques, best practices in the manufacturing and handling, use & disposal throughout the life cycle of chemicals to safeguard public interest, workers’ safety and the environment
Industry transformation maps (IMTs) supported by CSC: Energy & Chemicals Industry ITM, Sea Transport ITM
Emerging areas supported by CSC includes Nanotechnology and LNG
Scope of the TC for Surface Coatings
Review and develop standards on decorative/protective paints and varnishes in terms of performance characteristics, quality and test methods
Monitor the international standards development in ISO/TC 35 Paints and varnishes for international alignment
Working Groups (WG) under TC for Surface Coatings
WG for Cool coatings
WG for Water-based paints
WG for SS 5 Series
List of Key Singapore Standards (SS) under purview of TC for Surface Coatings
SS 5 Methods of tests for paints, varnishes & related materials
SS 542 Code of practice for painting of buildings
Specification for water-based enamel paint (under development)
Specification for water-based primer for wood and metal substrates (under development)
Specification for water-based solar reflective coating (under development)
Scope of the TC for Petroleum Processes and Products
Review and develop standards relating to product specification, safe storage of petroleum products and fire safety practices for petroleum processes
Working Groups (WG) under TC for Petroleum Processes and Products
WG for Pipeline service corridor
WG for SS 532 review
List of Key Singapore Standards (SS) under purview of TC for Petroleum Processes and Products
SS 512 Code of practice for the design, construction and operation of pipeline service corridors
SS 532 Code of practice for the storage of flammable liquids
SS 634 Code of practice for fire safety for open plant processing facilities in oil, chemical and process industries
SS 641 Code of practice for fire safety for laboratories using chemicals
TR 74 for Land transportation, storage and handling of LNG
SS 651 Safety and health management system for the chemical industry - Requirements with guidance for use
Scope of the TC for Nanotechnology
Review and develop standards relating to nanotechnology such as terminology, measurement & characteristics, health & safety, materials specifications and products & application
Act as a National Mirror Committee for active participation in ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies
Working Groups (WG) under TC for Nanotechnology
National Mirror Committee JWG 1 Terminology & nomenclature
National Mirror Committee JWG 2 Measurement & characterisation
National Mirror Committee WG 3 Health, safety & environment
National Mirror Committee WG 4 Materials specification
National Mirror Committee WG 5 Product and application
List of Key Singapore Standards (SS) under purview of TC for Nanotechnology
SS 643 Part 1 - Structural characterisation of graphene flakes – Methods and sample preparation
SS 643 Part 2 - Structural characterisation of graphene flakes – Determination of lateral size of graphene flakes by optical microscopy
SS 643 Part 3 - Structural characterisation of graphene flakes – Determination of level of defects on graphene flakes by Raman spectroscopy
SS 643 Part 4 - Structural characterisation of graphene flakes – Determination of number of layers in graphene flakes by atomic force microscopy
TR 73 Part 1 - Handling engineered nanomaterials in workplaces – Part 1 : Health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologiesy
TR 73 Part 2 - Handling engineered nanomaterials in workplaces – Part 2 : Overview of available frameworks for the development of occupational exposure limits and bands for nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomerates (NOAAs)
TR 73 Part 3 - Handling engineered nanomaterials in workplaces – Part 3 : Occupational and environmental monitoring of engineered nanomaterials
List of Key International Standards – participation by TC for Nanotechnology
ISO TR 20489 Sample preparation for the characterization of metal and metal-oxide nano-objects in water samples
ISO TR 18637 Overview of available frameworks for the development of occupational exposure limits and bands for nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomerates (NOAAs)
ISO TR 12885 Health and safety practices in occupational settings