Responsible Care®
It is the global chemical industry’s initiative that drives continuous improvement in health, safety and environmental (HSE) performance. Responsible Care is a voluntary initiative under which companies, through their National Associations (SCIC is the National Association for Singapore), work together to continually improve their HSE performance and communicate with stakeholders with open and transparent manner about their products and processes.
Committing to health, safety and the environment
Upholding to Responsible Care guiding principles and implementing relevant codes of practice are conditions to Responsible Care membership for SCIC. Annual submission of key performance indicators and self-evaluation the status of management practice are mandatory programs that SCIC Responsible Care member companies are committed to do. Their efforts help them to safely handle their products from inception in research, through manufacturing, distribution to reuse, recycle and disposal.
History of Responsible Care
Launched in 1985 in Canada and its ethic and principles quickly spread to many countries. And in 1989, the formation of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), a world-wide body of the chemical industry that representing chemical manufacturers and producers all over the world, has taken the lead in promoting and implementing worldwide Responsible Care® Initiatives.
Responsible Care Nation Associations
National associations, such as the Singapore Chemical Industry Council (SCIC) in Singapore and many others, sign up to Responsible Care through ICCA for the implementation of Responsible Care in their countries. ICCA acts as the guardian of the Responsible Care initiative. The Responsible Care Leadership Group (RCLG) of ICCA administers national associations globally in monitoring implementation and ensures Responsible Care evolves to address current concerns and issues relating to chemical companies. Each national association runs its own national or regional programme with its member companies. As of 2012, 56 national associations in 62 countries are part of this global initiative.
Useful links on Associations with Responsible Care Programme
International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA)
South East Asia
Chemical Industries Council of Malaysia (CCIM)
Komite Nasional Responsible Care Indonesia (KN-RCI)
Federation of Thai Industries
Chemical Industries Association Of The Philippines (SPIK)
Indian Chemical Council (ICC)
North Asia
Association of International Chemical Manufacturers (AICM)
Taiwan Responsible Care Association (TRCA)
Japan Responsible Care Council (JCIA)
Korea Responsible Care Council (KRCC)
Australia and New Zealand
Plastics and Chemicals Industries Associations (PACIA)
Responsible Care New Zealand