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SCIC Responsible Care® Member Companies

The Singapore Chemical Industry Council (SCIC) adopted Responsible Care in 1990 and continues to actively lead the chemical industry in achieving Responsible Care initiatives. Annually, various programmes such as training workshops, induction briefings, best practices sharing seminars and other outreach efforts are conducted to further advocate Responsible Care to the chemical industry and beyond. 


How to be a Responsible Care® member company
In Singapore, the practice and implementation of Responsible Care, as well as the usage of the Responsible Care logo, are administered by SCIC.

Company’s membership with SCIC is the pre-requisite for application to be a Responsible Care member. Upon submission of the Responsible Care member application form to SCIC, it would be reviewed and endorsed by the SCIC Responsible Care committee. The entire application process would be completed with the Responsible Care signatory granted upon signing of the Responsible Care Commitment Letter by the company’s CEO/MD.

Download the Responsible Care Member Application Form
Download the process flow-chart on Responsible Care Member Application
Download the guide for A Responsible Care Co-ordinator


Obligations of Responsible Care® member company
Responsible Care member company is committed to uphold the Responsible Care eight fundamental features, fulfill the Ten Guiding Principles and to implement the Codes of Practice that are relevant to their business operations.

In particular, these commitments further translate to the annual submission of the following two sets of documents:
