Virtual Launch of New Technical Reference (TR 73) on Handling of engineered nanomaterials in workplaces (3 Parts) -- Presentation Deck for Download
Virtual Launch of New Technical Reference (TR 73) on Handling of engineered nanomaterials in workplaces (3 Parts)
This event will launch the New Technical Reference (TR 73) on Handling engineered nanomaterials in workplaces which consist of 3 parts.
With nanotechnology gaining its popularity in the various applications in Singapore, the monitoring of nanomaterials exposure limits may become increasingly important.
TR 73 was developed to provide guidance to the nanotechnology related sectors in Singapore relating to health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies. The various parts of the TR also provide an overview of available methods and procedures for the derivation of suitable exposure limits and guidance on the monitoring of exposures of nanomaterials in the air and water.
Potential users of this set of documents may include organisation which handles, manufactures, distributes as well as end users of engineered nanomaterials. These entities include laboratories, ILHs, researchers, regulators and others.
Event details:
Date : 18 Aug 2020 (Tuesday)
Time : 2.00pm to 4.30pm (Registration/login from 1.45pm)
Venue : Virtual Session
Registration fee: FREE
Closing date: 11 Aug 2020
Programme in brief:
- Welcome address & Overview of Chemical Standards Committee
- Introduction to ISO/TC229 Nanotechnologies
- Overview, Key highlights of Part 1 and Part 2
- Overview & Key highlights of Part 3
- Importance of monitoring nanomaterial exposure
- Panel discussion
Note: Prior registration would be required as details of the Zoom will be provided approximately 3 days before the event.