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Annual SCIC Responsible Care® Awards

A Systematic Verification of Responsible Care Implementation

The SCIC Responsible Care Awards was launched in 2001 to recognise the efforts of companies who have committed to practice and implement the Responsible Care Codes of Practices.

The submission package by the Responsible Care signatory companies (completed self-evaluation forms with the supporting documents to substantiate or justify their evaluations) will be reviewed by a panel of judges comprising representatives from the industry as well as statutory agencies of the Ministry of Manpower, National Environment Agency and the Singapore Civil Defence Force.

Responsible Care Awards 2023

Responsible Care Awards 2022

Responsible Care Awards 2021

Responsible Care Awards 2019

Collaboration and Recognition Scheme

Responsible Care Collaboration and Recognition Scheme
The Singapore Government agencies regulating the chemical industry such as the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the National Environment Agency (NEA) and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) recognise the importance of the Responsible Care programme in contributing to the high standard of the health, safety and environment practices in the chemical industry.

Responsible Care signatory members who have achieved Responsible Care Gold Award for CAER Code and have also met the standard equivalent to SCDF’s CERT audit (documentation) requirement would be recognised under the SCIC-SCDF Responsible Care Collaboration and Recognition Scheme developed by SCIC and SCDF. This recognition scheme allows the organization to seek exemption for the documentation assessment component under the annual SCDF CERT audit scheme in the following year.
